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 peekb()                 Examine Byte AT Memory Location (Macro)

 #include   <dos.h>

 char       peekb(segment,offset);
 unsigned   segment;                     Segment
 unsigned   offset;                      Offset

    peekb() examines a byte at the memory address specified by
    'segment:offset'. peekb() is treated as a macro if the header file
    <dos.h> is included. If the file is not included, or if #undef is
    used on it, peekb() is a function.

       Returns:     A byte--the value stored at the location specified by

   Portability:     Unique to 8086 family of processors.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           #include <dos.h>     /* for peekb, getdta, FP_SEG, FP_OFF */

               char far *dta, x;

               dta = getdta();
               x = peekb(FP_SEG(dta),FP_OFF(dta));

See Also: peek() poke() pokeb()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson